Understanding Furnace Carbon Monoxide Levels: Safety, Risks, and Prevention

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that lacks color, odor, and taste, making it difficult to detect without specialized equipment. It poses significant toxicity to both humans and animals. This gas forms when carbon-containing fuels like natural gas, oil, coal, wood, and propane undergo incomplete combustion. Because CO is undetectable by human senses, it is often referred to as the “silent killer.” When inhaled, CO can interfere with the body’s ability to transport oxygen, leading to serious health effects or even death.

In residential and commercial settings, furnaces and other heating appliances are common sources of carbon monoxide. Ensuring that CO levels remain within safe limits is crucial for preventing harmful exposure. Monitoring carbon monoxide (CO) levels is essential for ensuring indoor air quality remains high and for protecting the health of people inside the building. This involves using CO detectors, regular maintenance of heating systems, and adhering to safety standards and regulations. By comprehending the risks linked to carbon monoxide and implementing proactive measures to monitor and regulate its levels, we can significantly reduce the incidence of CO poisoning and create safer living and working environments.

What is Carbon Monoxide?

Definition and Characteristics of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that lacks color, odor, and taste, rendering it imperceptible to human senses. It is produced by the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing materials. Due to its lack of sensory indicators, CO can accumulate without warning, posing a significant health hazard. The molecular structure of CO comprises one carbon atom and one oxygen atom, and It binds more readily to hemoglobin in the blood than oxygen does, which can impede the body’s ability to distribute oxygen to cells and tissues.

Sources of CO in Residential Environments

In residential settings, several common sources can produce carbon monoxide. These include:

  1. Furnaces: Furnaces are one of the primary sources of CO in homes. When they operate efficiently, furnaces burn fuel completely, producing minimal carbon monoxide. However, malfunctions, poor maintenance, or improper ventilation can lead to incomplete combustion and elevated CO levels.
  2. Gas Stoves and Ovens: Using gas stoves and ovens for cooking can generate carbon monoxide, especially if the appliances are not properly ventilated or maintained.
  3. Water Heaters: Similar to furnaces, gas-powered water heaters can release carbon monoxide (CO) into the air if they malfunction or if there is insufficient ventilation.
  4. Fireplaces and Wood Stoves: Burning wood or other solid fuels in fireplaces and wood stoves produces CO. Proper chimney maintenance and ventilation are essential to prevent CO buildup.
  5. Automobiles: Running vehicles in attached garages, even with the garage door open, can lead to CO entering the home. It is important to avoid idling cars in enclosed spaces.
  6. Portable Generators: Using portable generators indoors or near open windows can result in dangerous levels of carbon monoxide.

Risks of High Carbon Monoxide Levels

Health Effects of CO Exposure

Exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) can cause severe health effects because it hinders the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. When CO is inhaled, it binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, forming carboxyhemoglobin, which causes a reduction in oxygen transport to tissues and organs and determines the severity of health impacts, influenced by both the concentration of CO and the duration of exposure.

CO Concentration (ppm)

Health Effects


No adverse effects in healthy individuals


Mild headache, dizziness, shortness of breath


Headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue


Severe headache, confusion, loss of coordination


Loss of consciousness, possible death with prolonged exposure


Convulsions, coma, and death

Symptoms of CO Poisoning

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning can be slight and mirror symptoms of other illnesses, such as the flu. Recognizing and understanding these symptoms is crucial for early detection and intervention.




Persistent, often described as a tight band around the head


A sensation of spinning or lightheadedness

Nausea and Vomiting

Feeling sick to the stomach and possible vomiting

Shortness of Breath

Difficulty in breathing or catching breath


Difficulty in thinking clearly or understanding

Loss of Coordination

Difficulty in walking, standing, or moving

Chest Pain

Pain or discomfort in the chest area


Loss of consciousness, severe in higher exposures

Long-term Health Implications of Chronic Exposure

Extended exposure to lower levels of carbon monoxide can result in health effects that may not show up right away. Prolonged exposure, even at relatively low levels, can result in significant health issues.

Health Issue


Cognitive Impairment

Long-term exposure to CO can cause problems with memory, attention, and other cognitive functions.

Cardiovascular Problems

CO exposure has been linked to increased risk of heart disease, arrhythmias, and other cardiovascular issues.

Neurological Damage

Chronic exposure can lead to lasting damage to the nervous system, resulting in conditions such as neuropathy.

Respiratory Issues

Prolonged exposure can exacerbate conditions like asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

Increased Risk of Death

Continuous exposure to elevated CO levels can increase the risk of premature death, particularly in vulnerable populations.

Understanding Furnace Carbon Monoxide Emissions

How Furnaces Produce Carbon Monoxide

Furnaces produce heat through the combustion of fuel, usually natural gas, oil, or propane. During this combustion process, carbon monoxide (CO) is produced as a byproduct when the fuel does not burn completely. Ideally, furnaces should produce minimal CO because modern designs and technology aim for complete combustion. However, several factors can cause incomplete combustion, leading to elevated CO levels. These include a lack of oxygen, improper fuel-to-air ratio, or malfunctioning components within the furnace.

When a furnace operates efficiently, the fuel burns completely, producing heat, carbon dioxide (CO2), and water vapor. However, if the furnace is malfunctioning or poorly maintained, it can produce higher levels of CO due to incomplete combustion. Blocked or restricted airflow, cracked heat exchangers, or dirty burners can all contribute to this issue.

Factors Influencing CO Levels from Furnaces

Several factors can influence the levels of carbon monoxide produced by furnaces. Understanding these factors can help in maintaining safe CO levels and preventing potential hazards.

  • Age of the Furnace: Older furnaces are more likely to produce higher levels of CO because they may lack modern safety features and efficiency improvements found in newer models. Over time, components such as heat exchangers and burners can wear out or become damaged, leading to incomplete combustion and increased CO production.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance is vital to ensure that a furnace operates safely and efficiently. Lack of maintenance can result in dirty or clogged burners, blocked airflow, and other issues that can lead to incomplete combustion. Annual inspections and tune-ups conducted by a qualified technician can detect and resolve potential issues before they escalate into serious problems.
  • Efficiency of the Furnace: High-efficiency furnaces are designed to maximize fuel combustion and minimize emissions, including CO. These furnaces typically have advanced features such as sealed combustion chambers and sophisticated control systems that ensure optimal fuel-to-air ratios. In contrast, lower-efficiency furnaces may not burn fuel as completely, resulting in higher CO levels.
  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for ensuring that CO produced by a furnace is safely expelled from the home. Blocked or improperly installed flues and vents can cause CO to accumulate indoors. Ensuring that the furnace has adequate ventilation and that exhaust systems are clear and functioning correctly is critical for preventing CO buildup.
  • Fuel Quality: The quality of fuel used in a furnace can impact CO levels as well. Impurities in the fuel can cause incomplete combustion, resulting in higher CO production. Using high-quality fuel and ensuring that the fuel delivery system is functioning properly can help maintain safe CO levels.
  • Installation: The installation of a furnace plays a significant role in its performance and safety. Improper installation can result in problems such as improper fuel-to-air ratios, inadequate ventilation, and other problems that can increase CO production. It is essential to have furnaces installed by qualified professionals who follow manufacturer guidelines and local building codes.

Monitoring and Detecting CO Levels

Importance of CO Detectors in Homes and Buildings

Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are crucial safety devices that notify occupants of CO presence in the air, preventing potential poisoning. Since CO is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, it can accumulate to dangerous levels without any warning. CO detectors provide an early warning system, enabling people to evacuate and seek help before CO levels become life-threatening. They are especially vital in homes and buildings equipped with fuel-burning appliances like furnaces, water heaters, and fireplaces. By installing CO detectors, you can significantly reduce the risk of CO poisoning and ensure a safer living environment.

How CO Levels Are Measured and Interpreted

CO detectors gauge the amount of carbon monoxide in the air, expressed in parts per million (ppm). The detectors are equipped with sensors that detect CO molecules and trigger an alarm when dangerous levels are reached. Here is a general guideline on how CO levels are interpreted:

  • 0-9 ppm: Normal background levels found in typical indoor air.
  • 10-34 ppm: Prolonged exposure can cause minor symptoms like headache and dizziness.
  • 35-99 ppm: Exposure over several hours can result in more severe symptoms such as nausea, headache, and fatigue.
  • 100-199 ppm: Exposure can cause serious health effects, including confusion, loss of coordination, and severe headache.
  • 200+ ppm: Life-threatening exposure levels that require immediate evacuation and medical attention.

CO detectors often come with digital displays to show the current CO concentration, and some models have memory functions to track peak levels over time. Regularly checking and testing these devices ensures they function correctly and provide accurate readings.

Common Locations for Placing CO Detectors

Proper placement of CO detectors is crucial for optimal performance. Here are some recommended locations:

  • Near Bedrooms: Place CO detectors outside sleeping areas to ensure the alarm wakes occupants if CO levels rise during the night.
  • On Every Floor: Install at least one CO detector on each level of the home, including the basement.
  • Near Fuel-Burning Appliances: Place detectors near furnaces, water heaters, and fireplaces, but not directly above or beside these appliances to avoid false alarms.
  • Common Areas: Install detectors in living rooms and family rooms where people spend significant amounts of time.
  • Away from Ventilation Sources: Avoid placing detectors too close to windows, doors, or vents to prevent dilution of CO levels and ensure accurate readings.

Preventive Measures and Maintenance

Regular Furnace Maintenance and Inspections

Routine maintenance and inspections of furnaces are vital for preventing CO emissions and ensuring safe operation. Annual maintenance checks by a qualified technician can identify potential problems such as cracked heat exchangers, dirty burners, or blocked flues, which can lead to CO production. Regular tune-ups and cleaning of components help maintain optimal combustion and efficiency, reducing the risk of CO leaks.

Importance of Proper Ventilation and Airflow

Adequate ventilation and proper airflow are essential to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide. Fuel-burning appliances require sufficient oxygen to ensure complete combustion. Ensure that vents, flues, and chimneys are free from blockages and that exhaust systems are properly installed and functioning. Proper ventilation also helps disperse any CO that may be produced, preventing it from accumulating indoors.

Best Practices for Preventing CO Leaks and Exposure

Implementing best practices can further reduce the risk of CO leaks and exposure:

  • Install and Maintain CO Detectors: Ensure that CO detectors are installed in recommended locations and test them regularly to confirm they are working correctly. Replace batteries and the entire unit as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Inspect Fuel-Burning Appliances: Regularly inspect and maintain all fuel-burning appliances, including furnaces, water heaters, stoves, and fireplaces. Address any signs of malfunction, such as soot buildup or yellow flames, which indicate incomplete combustion.
  • Ensure Proper Installation: Have appliances installed by qualified professionals who adhere to manufacturer guidelines and local building codes. Incorrect installation can lead to CO production and leaks.
  • Avoid Running Engines Indoors: Never run vehicles, generators, or other fuel-burning engines inside garages or enclosed spaces, even with doors open, as this can cause CO to accumulate.
  • Educate Occupants: Inform family members or building occupants about the dangers of CO, the importance of CO detectors, and what to do if an alarm sounds.

Regulatory Standards and Compliance

Overview of Safety Standards for CO Emissions from Furnaces

Safety standards for carbon monoxide emissions from furnaces are established to ensure that heating systems operate safely and efficiently, minimizing the risk of CO exposure. These standards typically set limits on the amount of CO that can be emitted per unit of fuel burned. Manufacturers of furnaces must adhere to these standards during the design and production of their products to meet certification requirements and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Standards may vary by region or jurisdiction, but they generally aim to:

  • Define acceptable levels of CO emissions during furnace operation.
  • Specify testing procedures and protocols to measure CO emissions.
  • Establish guidelines for furnace installation, maintenance, and operation to prevent excessive CO production.

These regulations are set and upheld by regulatory bodies, such the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US and comparable organizations abroad, in order to protect public health and safety.

Legal Requirements for CO Detectors in Residential and Commercial Buildings

Numerous jurisdictions have enacted laws mandating the placement of carbon monoxide detectors in residential and commercial buildings. These legal requirements are designed to ensure early detection of CO leaks and provide timely warnings to occupants, reducing the risk of CO poisoning and related health issues.

Key aspects of legal requirements for CO detectors include:

  • Location and Number: Specific guidelines on where CO detectors should be installed (e.g., near sleeping areas, on each floor) and the minimum number required based on building size and layout.
  • Type and Certification: Requirements for CO detectors to meet certain performance standards and certifications, ensuring reliability and accuracy in detecting CO levels.
  • Maintenance and Testing: Guidelines on regular testing, maintenance, and replacement of CO detectors to ensure they remain functional and effective over time.


In conclusion, understanding and managing furnace carbon monoxide levels are essential for maintaining a safe indoor environment. By summarizing the key points discussed:

Summary of Key Points: Furnaces can produce CO through incomplete combustion, influenced by factors such as age, maintenance, and efficiency. Monitoring CO levels with detectors is crucial, as CO is odorless and can cause severe health effects even at low concentrations.

Importance of Awareness and Proactive Measures: Awareness of CO hazards and proactive measures such as regular maintenance, proper ventilation, and installing CO detectors are vital for preventing CO exposure and protecting occupants’ health.

Closing Remarks: Ensuring safety and health in indoor environments requires a combination of regulatory compliance, responsible maintenance practices, and education about CO risks. By following these measures, individuals and communities can establish safer living and working environments, reducing the risk of carbon monoxide exposure.

Key Takeaways:
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) Basics: CO is a gas that lacks color and odor, produced when carbon-containing fuels undergo incomplete combustion. Inhalation can be harmful or even fatal, making its detection essential.
  • Sources of CO: Furnaces, along with other fuel-burning appliances like water heaters and stoves, can produce CO if not properly maintained or ventilated.
  • Health Risks: CO poisoning symptoms range from mild (headaches, dizziness) to severe (loss of consciousness, death). Prolonged exposure can result in chronic health problems.
  • Importance of CO Detectors: Installing CO detectors in strategic locations is critical for early detection of CO leaks, providing crucial warnings to occupants.
  • Preventive Measures: Regular furnace maintenance, proper ventilation, and adhering to safety standards help prevent CO leaks and ensure safe indoor air quality.
  • Legal Requirements: Many jurisdictions mandate CO detector installation in residential and commercial buildings to comply with safety regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the signs of CO poisoning?

A: Symptoms can include headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, and shortness of breath. Severe cases may cause loss of consciousness or death.

Q: Where should CO detectors be placed in a home?

A: CO detectors should be installed near sleeping areas and on every level of the home, including the basement and near fuel-burning appliances.

Q: How often should CO detectors be tested?

A: CO detectors should be tested monthly to ensure they are working properly. Batteries should be replaced annually, and detectors replaced as recommended by the manufacturer.